
Home of the
2019 Mid-Atlantic Champions


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Celebrating 49 Seasons of Youth Baseball and Softball

[Schedule] [Calendar] [Key] [Policy] [Field] [Division] [Standings] [Playoff] [OTF]

Season Calendar

League Activity and Events by Month

October - Formation of Executive Board for New Year

* Formation of Executive Board
* Approval of League By-laws and Constitution
* Fall Ball

November - Executive Board plans for Spring Season

* Plan for spring season.  Set dates.
* Get Hanratty fields ready for winter
---- Put bases in sheds
---- Winterize Tractor / Service
---- Take down Sponsor Signs
---- Take down all field signs

December - Planning for Season

* prepare flyer for Baseball and Softball season registration.
* select uniforms style, get samples for registration
* check equipment inventory and order replacement equipment
* schedule locations for registrations
* schedule locations for ratings
* schedule location for parents night

January - Registration Month

* distribute flyers to schools, churches, etc.
* press releases
* conduct registrations
* attend clinician safety training
* safety review of medical forms
* sponsor letters are mailed

February - Ratings, Tryouts and Teams Formed

* conduct ratings and tryouts
* conduct coaches safety training
* conduct coaches training sessions
* player drafts for Majors, Minors, Rookies, Ponytails and Seniors.
* teams are formed for Tee ball, Pioneer and Teeners.
* Parents Night

March - Coaches training, older teams begin practicing

* Coaches and Team Moms are assigned.
* Background checks are performed on all staff members.
* Equipment bags are given to each team
* We order uniforms
* Teams begin practicing
* Create of the game schedule
* Create the league book
* Coaches Meet

April - Season Begins

* Uniform distribution to players
* Opening Day Parade
* Spring season begins.
* Coaches Meeting with division coordinator

May - Regular season ends for divisions with playoffs

* Division coordinators conduct meetings with team managers.
* Conduct spring season
* Order tournament team uniforms

June - Playoffs begin, Travel Teams form

* Spring season playoffs
* Spring season ends
* Equipment collection
* Select team managers for Tournament Teams.
* Tournament team player selection
* Little League District 7 Tournament
* Parkway Invitational Softball League
* Final coaches meetin

July - Travel Teams

* Little League District Tournament
* Parkway League

August - Closed

* Collect Tournament Team Equipment
* Picnic Planning
* Fall Ball Planning
* Picnic Mailing
* Fall Ball Mailing
* Review kitchen cards and share parent participation reports with teams.

September - Picnic and Fall Ball, Executive Board organizes.

* Fall Ball
* Bond Refund review, write and mail checks
* Inventory EYL Equipment
* Election of EYL President
* Annual Picnic

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