
Elizabeth, NJ

    2012 is our 39th Season

Elmora Youth League is a nonprofit organization based in Elizabeth, New Jersey, The league organizes recreation baseball and softball for the youth of the Elmora/Elizabeth area. The league is staffed by volunteer parents. EYL forms travel baseball and softball teams that participate in local summer tournaments. Summer team participants are selected from registered participants in the Spring season.


A tribute to Trooper Hanratty

In Memorian

Directions to Facilities used by EYL


Sorry - EYL Basketball was not offered in 2012

The League will utilize the EHS Jefferson House gym for games and the Grover Clevelnand Middle School gyms for practices.

Game Location Jefferson House - Click Here for map

Practice Location Cleveland - Click Here for map


Role of Division Coordinator

  1. Recruit team managers (depending on size of division the could be from 4 to 6 teams)
  2. Conduct the player ratings. The team managers would be required to attend and do the actual player ratings. Collect outstanding registration fees BEFORE start of the season
  3. Conduct the player draft. Objective is a fair and balanced division. In the past, team managers have tried to manipulate the process to stack their division. This task requires tact and diplomacy by the coordinator to achieve equal strength teams.
  4. Address any rule violation by the coaches. One of the hardest parts is making sure all coaches abide by the rules. We advertise our league with published minimum playing times. Team manager must abide by this rule to insure all players have the opportunity to participate in the games, according to published minimum playing times.
  5. Address any schedule issues with the coaches and the league scheduler.
  6. Make sure coaches report the game scores and player scoring to the league for our standings.
  7. Schedule the playoffs with the coaches. Whenever possible, make accommodations for coaches who work or attend school.
  8. Notify players and coaches of schedule changes, resolve scheduling conflicts
  9. Notify players and coaches of Awards Night
  10. Attend Awards Night to present individual player and team trophies

Hanratty Field
Phone Number is:

Click here for more photos

Questions, please e-mail


Little League Chartered
since 1999

Founded 1974