Coach Ed Sisk is on the right with his arm around his son Ed Jr. The other coach is former League Vice President Dennis
Cassidy who was the driving force in 1998 to charter our league with the Little League of Williamsport organization.
As you look at the players in the above photo, we are amazed to realize how they have followed the positive example of their
youth baseball coach.
In the back row (standing) are Mike Sinnot (EFD Firefighter),Mike Weber, Jim Heller(UC Sheriff Officer),
David Borys (EFD Firefighter) and Ed Sisk Jr who followed his Dad into public service as a firefighter with the Elizabeth Fire Department.
We thank Coach Sisk for being a positive role model for these former players in 1992
. We look forward to our current players becoming adults and future leaders and parents. It is our role as coaches that help shape these youngsters